AMERICAN CYANAMID CO. PARSIPPANY, NJ 07054 MSDS NO. AG09129-3 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET CAS NO. None DATE: AUG 19, 1997 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE: (973)-683-3100 (U.S.A.) _______________________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT TRADE NAME: PENDULUM 3.3 EC Industrial Herbicide IDENTIFICATION SYNONYMS: N-(1-ethylpropyl)-3,4-dimethyl-2,6-dinitrobenzen eamine; Pendimethalin; STOMP 3.3 EC Herbicide; CL92,553 CHEMICAL FAMILY: Dinitroaniline MOLECULAR FORMULA: C<13>H<19>N<3>O<4> MOLECULAR WEIGHT: 281.350 USAGE: Herbicide _______________________________________________________________________________ WARNING CAUTION! KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. STATEMENTS AVOID CONTACT WITH EYES, SKIN OR CLOTHING. DO NOT INGEST. AVOID BREATHING SPRAYS OR MISTS. _______________________________________________________________________________ INGREDIENTS COMPONENT CAS. NO. PEL/TLV ____________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ PHYSICAL APPEARANCE AND Dark amber brown liquid; mild aromatic PROPERTIES ODOR: hydrocarbon odor. BOILING POINT: 244C (Extrapolated) MELTING POINT: Not Applicable VAPOR PRESSURE: 5.6 torr at 25C SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 1.07 +/- 0.01 g/ml VAPOR DENSITY: Not Available % VOLATILITY (BY 52% VOL.): OCTANOL / H<2>O Not Applicable PARTITION COEF.: PH: 6-7 for a 2-4% aqueous dispersion SATURATION IN Not Available AIR (BY VOL.): EVAPORATION RATE: 0.014 (n-Butyl Acetate = 1.00) SOLUBILITY IN Emulsifies _______________________________________________________________________________ FIRE AND FLASH POINT: 214F (Seta Flash); EXPLOSION 201F (Pensky-Martens) HAZARD FLAMMABLE LIMITS Not Available INFORMATION (% BY VOL.): AUTOIGNITION TEMP: 375C DECOMPOSITION TEMP:244C FIRE EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Use water, foam, dry chemical, or carbon dioxide to extinguish fires. MSDS SHEET NO. AG09129-3 PAGE 2 _______________________________________________________________________________ FIRE CONTROL TACTICS: Wear self-contained, positive pressure breathing apparatus and full fire fighting protective clothing. Keep unnecessary people away. Use as little water as possible. Dike area of fire to prevent pesticide run-off. Use spray or fog - solid stream may cause spreading. Do not decontaminate personnel or equipment, or handle broken packages or containers without protective equipment as specified in the Exposure Control Section. Decontaminate emergency personnel with soap and water before leaving the fire area. Avoid breathing dusts, vapors and fumes from burning materials. Control run-off water - if water enters a drainage system, advise the authorities downstream. This product is a Class III combustible liquid, based on its flash points. Storage areas must conform to NFPA 30 and NFPA 70, or local standards, whichever is more stringent. _______________________________________________________________________________ NFPA HAZARD RATING 0 Least 1 Flammability 1 Slight / \ / \ 2 Moderate 2 0 Health Reactivity 3 High \ / \ / 4 Severe Special _______________________________________________________________________________ REACTIVITY DATA STABILITY: Stable CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Do not store below 40F. Extended storage at temperatures below 40F may result in the formation of crystals on the bottom of the container. Do not store above 120F. POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur INCOMPATIBLE Avoid contamination with strong MATERIALS: oxidizing agents and strong alkali. HAZARDOUS Combustion may produce oxides of DECOMPOSITION carbon and nitrogen. PRODUCTS: _______________________________________________________________________________ HEALTH HAZARD TOXICITY DATA AND INFORMATION EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE: ACUTE TOXICITY DATA: The acute oral LD<50> in rats for the combined sexes was shown to be 3956 mg/kg b.w., indicating that the material is slight to moderately toxic by ingestion in single doses. The acute dermal LD<50> in rabbits was shown to be greater than 2200 mg/kg b.w. (highest dose tested), indicating that the product is only slightly toxic by dermal MSDS SHEET NO. AG09129-3 PAGE 3 _______________________________________________________________________________ application in a single dose. The material was determined to be mildly irritating to rabbit skin and eyes and shown to be a non-skin sensitizer in appropriate guinea pig studies. Acute inhalation studies in rats demonstrated that the LC<50> was greater than 5.35 mg/L (actual) of air over a 4 hour exposure period. CHRONIC TOXICITY DATA: This material as formulated has not been tested for chronic toxicity, however, the chronic toxicity of Pendimethalin is as follows: Mutagenicity: In an evaluation of data from a battery of six genotoxicity tests, pendimethalin was judged to be nongenotoxic. Teratogenicity: No teratogenic or fetotoxic effects were observed in rats or rabbits. Reproduction: No reproductive effects were observed in a three-generation reproduction study conducted in rats. Oncogenicity: No oncogenic effects were observed at all dosage levels tested in the lifetime (18 months) mouse study. The highest dose tested was 5000 ppm in the diet. A marked depression in body weight gain, and statistically significant increase in benign thyroid proliferative lesions were observed at the highest dose tested (5000 ppm) in the lifetime (24 months) rat study. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES: : Do not induce vomiting. Get medical attention. : Flush eyes with large amounts of tap water. Get medical attention if irritation persists. : Wash skin with plenty of soap and water. Get medical attention if irritation persists. : Remove subject to fresh air. MSDS SHEET NO. AG09129-3 PAGE 4 _______________________________________________________________________________ NOTES TO PHYSICIAN: Because of increased risk of chemical pneumonia or pulmonary edema caused by aspiration of aromatic hydrocarbons into the lungs, vomiting should be induced only under professional supervision. Pendimethalin is a strongly orange-red colored compound - virtually an aniline dye. Cases have been described of orange-yellow coloration of the urine following heavy exposure of workers to the dust of this compound. Despite its structure as both a nitro-compound and aromatic amine, exposure to pendimethalin is NOT associated with methemoglobinemia. _______________________________________________________________________________ EXPOSURE During formulation of this product, the following good CONTROL METHODS industrial hygiene practice is recommended: Provide adequate local ventilation and maintain a Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) below the level recommended for the various components of the product. If vapor levels exceed the PEL, an approved pesticide respirator should be worn until engineering control are achieved. Chemical goggles or some other form of eye protection should be worn to prevent exposure to the eyes. Wear rubber gloves when handling this material. An apron or impermeable covering should be worn where splashing could occur. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling. Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. For end-users, please refer to the product label for personal protective clothing/equipment. _______________________________________________________________________________ SPILL OR LEAK Wear appropriate protective clothing and personal PROCEDURES protective equipment. (See "Exposure Control".) Keep away from drains, surface and ground water, and soil. Dike spill area to prevent spill from spreading. Absorb the spilled material with an inert absorbent such as granular clay or sawdust. Shovel or sweep the absorbed spill into covered containers for proper disposal. (See "Waste Disposal".) Rinse the spill area and any tools or implements several times with soapy water. Contain and absorb this rinsate with inert absorbents and place into the same disposal container as the spilled material. Small spills to the soil can be shoveled directly into covered containers for disposal. In the event of a large spill, contact American Cyanamid for guidance on available MSDS SHEET NO. AG09129-3 PAGE 5 _______________________________________________________________________________ clean-up options. Depending on the amount released to the environment, it may be necessary to notify the regulatory authorities. If the spill occurred to a body of water, immediately notify the appropriate authorities downstream of the spill so that they can decide what if any further action is needed. ____________________________________________________________________________ WASTE DISPOSAL: To avoid disposal, all attempts should be made to use this product completely, in accordance with its registered use. If this is not possible, handle with care, and dispose in a safe manner. Follow all applicable community, national or regional regulations regarding waste management methods. Empty containers or liners may retain some product residues. DO NOT REUSE. Triple rinse the container or liner thoroughly and render it unusable by crushing or puncturing. Dispose of both the container and the rinsate in a safe manner. It is the ultimate responsibility of the waste generator to determine at the time of disposal whether this product and/or "empty" container residue meets any hazardous waste criteria. _______________________________________________________________________________ SPECIAL HANDLING AND STORAGE: PRECAUTIONS Do not store below 40F. Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or disposal. Store in a secure, dry, well-ventilated separate area; away from children, livestock and food products. Not for use or storage in or around the home. Keep away from sources of ignition and protect from exposure to fire and heat. Segregate from oxidizers and incompatible materials listed in the Reactivity Data Section. This material is a Class III combustible liquid, based on its flash points. Storage areas must conform to NFPA 30 and NFPA 70, or local standards, whichever is more stringent. _______________________________________________________________________________ MSDS SHEET NO. AG09129-3 PAGE 6 _______________________________________________________________________________ ADDITIONAL REGULATORY INFORMATION SARA Title III Data Section 311 and 312 Hazard Categories Immediate Health Hazard - Y Reactive Hazard - N Delayed Health Hazard - N Sudden Pressure - N Release Hazard Fire Hazard - Y Section 302 Extremely Hazardous Substances - None Section 313 Toxic Chemicals - None CERCLA Reportable Quantity PENDULUM 3.3 EC Industrial Herbicide - INGREDIENTS: Naphthalene - 100 lbs Ethylene Dichloride - 100 lbs PRODUCTS: 1376 lbs (154 gals) RCRA Hazardous Waste Code(s) And Statement(s) PENDULUM 3.3 EC Industrial Herbicide - None known * Note: It is the responsibility of the waste generator to determine, prior to disposal, if any hazardous waste codes apply. _______________________________________________________________________________ APPENDIX The information and statements herein are believed to be reliable but are not to be construed as a warranty or representation for which we assume legal responsibility. Users should undertake sufficient verification and testing to determine the suitability for their own particular purpose of any information or products referred to herein. NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE IS MADE. _______________________________________________________________________________ SOURCE AND SHEET NO.: AG09129-3 DATE INFORMATION DATE: AUG 19, 1997 _______________________________________________________________________________ 02-JUN-97